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Preshute Primary School

Remote learning

As from Tuesday 5.1.2021 we will be reverting to remote learning. Remote learning will be on Evidence me for Class R and Class Dojo for other year groups.

The content on the website may not contain any teaching videos or animation for powerpoints. It also may not contain all worksheets. Please use Evidence me or Class Dojo to access teaching videos and the daily updates on learning.

Preshute Remote Learning Procedure 

 Virtual school trip 11.1.2021 Password on Class Dojo 

Virtual school trip 18.1.2021 - password on class dojo 

Virtual school trip 25.1.2021 - Password on Class Dojo 

Virtual school trip 1.2.2021 password on Class Dojo 

Virtual School Trip 8.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo 

Virtual School Trip 22.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo  

Virtual School Trip 1.3.2021 Password on Class Dojo

We are celebrating Children's mental health week this week here are some ideas to join in with

 Express yourself

Find a way to express yourself this week. Choose something you enjoy doing; dancing, singing, playing an instrument, doing some art work, playing a sport, wearing something that is special or important to you. There are some ideas below.

Beautiful oops story


Express yourself

Origami- have ago at making something out of paper

Origami frog

The squiggle game

Draw your feelings

Children's mental health week

Cosmic Yoga

Other art activities 

Art room- animals

Art room calm project

Art room - colours

Art room - superhero

Mile a day 1

Mile a day

Fill your bucket - A guide to Daily Happiness - This is a lovely book and has lots of activities linked to the book.

Listen to the story - Have you filled a bucket today?

Fill your bucket Jigsaw

Fill your bucket colouring

Positive Penguin Activities 

Our new ELLI character is Positive Penguin. He helps us to stay positive, see the good things that have happened to us during the day and express how we feel.

Here are some activities linked to Positive Penguin 

Positive Penguin Brochure


Express yourself and share

On Friday in school you can wear whatever you like to school to express yourself. If you are at home send us a picture/video on Class Dojo of you expressing yourself. We will then put these together to make a school video of us all expressing ourselves.

Draw your feelingsRemote learning for each class is below and remember to look on Class Dojo and evidence me too.

Tom and Jazz have created some sports challenges for us. 

To access them click on the links below:

Term 4



Half term fitness fun 

Half term video 1

Half term video 2

Half term video 3

Wiltshire and Swindon Sports Partnership fitness challenges 

 Term 3 


https://youtu.be/TFpEZUoJe4o - Rugby 6 Nations Special




























Phonics 1.3.2021

Phonics 2.3.2021

Phonics 3.3.2021

Phonics 4.3.2021

Phonics 5.3.2021

Class R week beginning 1.3.2021

Class 1 week beginning 1.3.2021

Class 2 week beginning 1.3.2021

Class 3 week beginning 1.3.2021

Class 4 week beginning 1.3.2021

Class 5 week beginning 1.3.2021

Class 6 week beginning 1.3.2021

Work for week beginning 22.2.2021

Phonics 22.2.2021

 Phonics 22.2.2021 - Password on Class Dojo

Phonics 23.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo

Phonics 24.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo

 Phonics 25.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo

Phonics 26.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo

Class R week beginning 22.2.2021


Class 1 week beginning 22.2.2021


Class 2 week beginning 22.2.2021


Class 3 week beginning 22.2.2021


Class 4 week beginning 22.2.2021


Class 5 week beginning 22.2.2021


Class 6 week beginning 22.2.2021


Work for the week beginning 8.2.2021

Phonics 8.2.2021

 8.2.2021 _ir_and_ur_phoneme.pptx

9.2.2021 _ir_or_ur_grapheme.pptx

10.2.2021 er grapheme video 

11.2.2021 ir, ur, or, er, video 


Class R week beginning 8.2.2021

Class 1 week beginning 8.2.2021


Class 2 week beginning 8.2.2021

Class 2 RE and English 8.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo

Class 2 RE 9.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo

Class 2 RE 10.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo

Class 2 RE and English 11.2.20201 Password on Class Dojo

 Class 2 RE 12.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo


Class 3 week beginning 8.2.2021


Class 4 week beginning 8.2.2021


Class 5 week beginning 8.2.2021


Class 6 week beginning 8.2.2021

Work for the week beginning the 1.2.2021

Phonics 1.2.2021

 1/2/2021 or_and_aw_phoneme.pptx





Class R week beginnings 1.2.2021

Class 1 week beginning 1.2.2021

Class 2 week beginning 1.2.2021

English video for the 5.2.2021- Password on Class Dojo

Class 3 week beginning 1.2.2021

Class 4 week beginning 1.2.2021

Class 5 week beginning 1.2.2021

Class 6 week beginning 1.2.2021

Learning for the week beginning 25.1.2021

Phonics videos 25.1.2021






Class R week beginning 25.1.2021


Class 1 week beginning 25.1.2021

Class 2 week beginning 25.1.2021

English 27.1.2021 Password on Class Dojo

English 28.1.2021 Password on Class Dojo

English 29.1.2021- Password on Class dojo

Class 3 week beginning 25.1.2021

Class 4 week beginning 25.1.2021

Class 5 week beginning 25.1.2021

Class 6 week beginning 25.1.2021

Learning for the week beginning 18.1.2021

Phonics videos for week beginning 18.1.2021

Phonics 18.1.2021 and 19.1.2021 - no password

Phonics 19.1.2021 - no password

Phonics 20.1.2021 no password

Phonics 21.1.2021 no password

Phonics 22.1.2021 no password

https://vimeo.com/501394020 Phonics for 20th and 21st of January - Password is on Class Dojo

Class R week beginning 18.1.2021

Class 1 week beginning 18.1.2021

Class 2 week beginning 18.1.2021

Following the technical problems we had on 18.1.2021 all teaching videos are now on Class Dojo. 

Passwords for the videos are on Class Dojo

Maths teaching video for the 18.1.2021

Maths teaching video for the 21.1.2021

Maths Teaching video for the 22.1.2021


Class 3 week beginning 18.1.2021

Class 4 week beginning 18.1.2021


Class 5 week beginning 18.1.2021

Class 6 week beginning 18.1.2021

Learning for the week beginning 18.1.2021

Phonics videos for week beginning 11.1.2021

 https://vimeo.com/498882073 Phonics for Monday and Tuesday - Password on Class Dojo

https://vimeo.com/498936710 Phonics for Wednesday and Thursday - Password on Class Dojo

 https://vimeo.com/498946165 Phonics for Friday - password on  Class Dojo

Class R week beginning 11.1.2021

 Class 1 week beginning 11.1.2021


Class 2 week beginning 11.1.2021 

Class 3 week beginning 11.1.2021

Class 4 week beginning 11.1.2021

Class 5 week beginning 11.1.2021


Class 6 week beginning 11.1.2021

Learning for week beginning 5.1.2021

Class R  - Week beginning 5.1.2021 Please look on Evidence me too.


Class 1 - Week beginning 5.1.2021- also on Class Dojo

Class 2 - Week beginning 5.1.2021- also on Class Dojo

Class 3 - Week beginning 5.1.2021 also on Class Dojo


Class 4 - Week beginning 5.1.2021 also on Class Dojo


 Class 5 - Week beginning 5.1.2021 also on Class Dojo


Class 6 - Week beginning 5.1.2021 also on Class Dojo