Remote learning
As from Tuesday 5.1.2021 we will be reverting to remote learning. Remote learning will be on Evidence me for Class R and Class Dojo for other year groups.
The content on the website may not contain any teaching videos or animation for powerpoints. It also may not contain all worksheets. Please use Evidence me or Class Dojo to access teaching videos and the daily updates on learning.
Preshute Remote Learning Procedure
Virtual school trip 11.1.2021 Password on Class Dojo
Virtual school trip 18.1.2021 - password on class dojo
Virtual school trip 25.1.2021 - Password on Class Dojo
Virtual school trip 1.2.2021 password on Class Dojo
Virtual School Trip 8.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo
Virtual School Trip 22.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo
Virtual School Trip 1.3.2021 Password on Class Dojo
We are celebrating Children's mental health week this week here are some ideas to join in with
Express yourself
Find a way to express yourself this week. Choose something you enjoy doing; dancing, singing, playing an instrument, doing some art work, playing a sport, wearing something that is special or important to you. There are some ideas below.
Origami- have ago at making something out of paper
Other art activities
Art room- animals
Fill your bucket - A guide to Daily Happiness - This is a lovely book and has lots of activities linked to the book.
Listen to the story - Have you filled a bucket today?
Positive Penguin Activities
Our new ELLI character is Positive Penguin. He helps us to stay positive, see the good things that have happened to us during the day and express how we feel.
Here are some activities linked to Positive Penguin
Express yourself and share
On Friday in school you can wear whatever you like to school to express yourself. If you are at home send us a picture/video on Class Dojo of you expressing yourself. We will then put these together to make a school video of us all expressing ourselves.
Draw your feelingsRemote learning for each class is below and remember to look on Class Dojo and evidence me too.
Tom and Jazz have created some sports challenges for us.
To access them click on the links below:
Term 4
Half term fitness fun
Wiltshire and Swindon Sports Partnership fitness challenges
Term 3 - Rugby 6 Nations Special
Class R week beginning 1.3.2021
Class 1 week beginning 1.3.2021
- Bonus Challenges Maths
- Book week at Preshute Primary pack for Website
- Friday Maths
- Measuring Length Challenges
- Remote Learning 1 3 21
Class 2 week beginning 1.3.2021
- 1 03 book review medium
- 1 03 book review template mild
- 1 03 Eng ppt book reviews.pptx
- 1 03 Maths.pptx
- 1 03 Maths worksheet
- 1 03 metre ruler
- 1 03 Topic first part.pptx
- 1 03 Topic second part.pptx
- 1 03 Topic worksheet
- 2 03 Eng ppt amazing readers 1.pptx
- 2 03 Maths.pptx
- 2 03 Maths worksheet
- 2 03 reading review
- 2 03 Spicy Book Review Template 1
- 3 03 Maths.pptx
- 3 03 Maths extension
- 3 03 Maths worksheet
- 5 03 Eng ppt book week review.pptx
- 5 03 Guided reading.pptx
- 5 03 Maths.pptx
- 5 03 Maths worksheet
- Book week at Preshute Primary pack for Website
Class 3 week beginning 1.3.2021
Class 4 week beginning 1.3.2021
- Book week at Preshute Primary pack for Website
- Centimetres and Millimetres Ruler Cut Outs
- handwriting and spellings
- letter template
- Maths for WB 1 3 21
- weekly task sheet WB 1 03 21
Class 5 week beginning 1.3.2021
Class 6 week beginning 1.3.2021
Work for week beginning 22.2.2021
Phonics 22.2.2021
Phonics 22.2.2021 - Password on Class Dojo
Phonics 23.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo
Phonics 24.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo
Phonics 25.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo
Phonics 26.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo
Class R week beginning 22.2.2021
Class 1 week beginning 22.2.2021
Class 2 week beginning 22.2.2021
- 22 02 Eng and RE belonging ppt.pptx
- 22 02 Maths.pptx
- 22 02 Maths worksheet and extension
- 22 02 Topic.pptx
- 22 2 21 belonging activity sheet ver 5
- 22 2 21 belonging activity extension
- 23 02 Maths.pptx
- 23 2 21 Church features extension
- 24 02 Eng and RE Mosque features.pptx
- 24 02 Maths.pptx
- 24 02 Maths worksheet and extension
- 24 2 21 Extension Make a 3D mosque template
- 24 2 21 label a mosque activity sheet ver 2
- 24 2 21 Mosque features extension
- 25 02 Eng and RE Comparing a Church with a Mosque ppt.pptx
- 25 02 Maths.pptx
- 25 02 Maths extension
- 25 02 Maths worksheet
- 25 02 topic tree identification sheet
- 25 2 21 extension draw own Church
- 25 2 21 Extension draw own mosque
- 25 2 21 resources for comparing a church and mosque
- 25 2 21 Similarities and differences of a church and mosque worksheet
- 26 02 Guided reading.pptx
- 26 02 Maths extension
- overview of learning week 7
- term 4 extended homework ideas
Class 3 week beginning 22.2.2021
Class 4 week beginning 22.2.2021
- daily maths
- grammar Reading comp spellings handwriting WB22 02 21
- Maths WB 22 02 21
- weekly task sheet WB22 02 21
Class 5 week beginning 22.2.2021
Class 6 week beginning 22.2.2021
Work for the week beginning 8.2.2021
Phonics 8.2.2021
8.2.2021 _ir_and_ur_phoneme.pptx
9.2.2021 _ir_or_ur_grapheme.pptx
10.2.2021 er grapheme video
11.2.2021 ir, ur, or, er, video
Class R week beginning 8.2.2021
Class 1 week beginning 8.2.2021
- Bonus Challenges Maths
- Clock Template
- Friday Maths
- Friday SPAG
- Remote Learning 8 2 21
- Time Board Games
- Write O Clock
Class 2 week beginning 8.2.2021
Class 2 RE and English 8.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo
Class 2 RE 9.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo
Class 2 RE 10.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo
Class 2 RE and English 11.2.20201 Password on Class Dojo
Class 2 RE 12.2.2021 Password on Class Dojo
- 10 02 Maths extension
- 10 02 Maths part 1.pptx
- 10 02 Maths part 2.pptx
- 10 02 maths worksheet
- 10 02 21 Design own prayer mat
- 11 01 Maths.pptx
- 11 02 Eng and RE Salat Muslim prayer.pptx
- 11 02 Maths
- 11 02 Maths extension
- 11 02 Topic.pptx
- 11 02 Topic worksheet
- 11 02 WALA Eng RE Salat Prayer
- 12 01 Maths.pptx
- 12 02 Guided reading.pptx
- 12 02 how to perform wudu writing activity
- 8 02 Eng and RE facts about Muslims
- 8 02 Eng and RE introduction to Islam 1.pptx
- 8 02 Maths.pptx
- 8 02 Maths worksheet
- 9 02 5 Pillars activity
- 9 02 Extention The Five Pillars of Islam Activity Sheet
- 9 02 Maths.pptx
- 9 02 maths extension
- 9 02 Maths worksheet
- 9 02 The Five Pillars of Islam.pptx
- 9 02 Topic.pptx
Class 3 week beginning 8.2.2021
Class 4 week beginning 8.2.2021
- daily maths
- Design sarcophagus
- history task docx
- Maths answers WB08 02 21
- Maths WB 08 02 21
- mummification information
- mummifying fruit
- Mummy Poem
- reading comprehension Spag optional Spag handwriting
- Science activitiy
- Spellings practise
- T2 H 021 Egyptians Mummification Instructions ver 1
- weekly task sheet WB 08 02 21
- Y3 4 spelling list
Class 5 week beginning 8.2.2021
Class 6 week beginning 8.2.2021
Work for the week beginning the 1.2.2021
Phonics 1.2.2021
1/2/2021 or_and_aw_phoneme.pptx
Class R week beginnings 1.2.2021
Class 1 week beginning 1.2.2021
- 2D and 3D Shape Riddles
- 3D Shape Properties Match
- 3D Shape Sort
- 5 2 21 PSHE.pptx
- Animal Groups
- Friday SPAG pub
- Geography The Arctic.pptx
- Polar Bear Non Chron
- Remote Learning 1 2 21 docx
- s es suffix
- What Am I Animals
- What can you do in a minute
Class 2 week beginning 1.2.2021
English video for the 5.2.2021- Password on Class Dojo
- 1 02 Eng using nouns
- 1 02 English nouns .pptx
- 1 02 Maths.pptx
- 1 02 maths worksheet
- 2 02 Eng adjectives.pptx
- 2 02 Eng using adjectives
- 2 02 Maths.pptx
- 2 02 maths worksheet
- 2 02 Topic.pptx
- 3 02 Maths.pptx
- 3 02 Maths extension
- 3 02 maths worksheet
- 4 02 English follow instructions.pptx
- 4 02 Eng walt folllow instructions
- 4 02 Maths.pptx
- 4 02 Maths worksheet
- 4 02 Topic.pptx
- 5 02 Guided reading.pptx
- 5 02 Maths.pptx
- 5 02 Maths worksheet
- overview of learning week 5
Class 3 week beginning 1.2.2021
Class 4 week beginning 1.2.2021
- ancient egyptian gods cards colour
- daily maths practise
- maths answers
- Maths WB 1 02 21
- months practise
- more time practise
- Optional spag
- reading comprehension spag and handwriting
- spelling
- teeth activity
- time practise
- WB 1 02 21 weekly task sheet
Class 5 week beginning 1.2.2021
Class 6 week beginning 1.2.2021
Learning for the week beginning 25.1.2021
Phonics videos 25.1.2021
Class R week beginning 25.1.2021
Class 1 week beginning 25.1.2021
Class 2 week beginning 25.1.2021
English 27.1.2021 Password on Class Dojo
English 28.1.2021 Password on Class Dojo
English 29.1.2021- Password on Class dojo
- 25 01 English co ordinating conjunctions.pptx
- 25 01 English
- 25 01 maths.pptx
- 25 01 maths extension
- 26 01 English sub conjunctions.pptx
- 26 01 maths.pptx
- 26 01 maths challenge
- 26 01 maths subtract two digit from 2 digit
- 26 01 Topic.pptx
- 26 1 Eng
- 27 01 maths.pptx
- 27 01 maths extension
- 27 01 maths subtracting two digits
- 28 01 maths.pptx
- 28 01 maths extension
- 28 01 maths problems subtraction
- 28 01 Topic.pptx
- 29 01 English complete own adv story.pptx
- 29 01 guided reading.pptx
- 29 01 maths.pptx
- 29 01 maths extension
- 29 01 maths word problems
- overview of learning week 4
Class 3 week beginning 25.1.2021
Class 4 week beginning 25.1.2021
- daily Maths with answers
- example animal information
- Grammar comprehension and handwriting
- history activity docx
- Maths Activities WB25 01
- Non chron examples.pptx
- non chronological report writing template
- spelling practise
- WB 25 01 21 task sheet
Class 5 week beginning 25.1.2021
Class 6 week beginning 25.1.2021
Learning for the week beginning 18.1.2021
Phonics videos for week beginning 18.1.2021
Phonics 18.1.2021 and 19.1.2021 - no password
Phonics 19.1.2021 - no password Phonics for 20th and 21st of January - Password is on Class Dojo
Class R week beginning 18.1.2021
Class 1 week beginning 18.1.2021
- 18 1 21 English Lesson.pptx
- 18 1 21 Maths Lesson.pptx
- 19 1 21 English Lesson.pptx
- 19 1 21 Maths Lesson.pptx
- 20 1 21 English Lesson.pptx
- 20 1 21 Maths Lesson.pptx
- 21 1 21 English Lesson.pptx
- 21 1 21 Maths Lesson.pptx
- 22 1 21 English Lesson.pptx
- 22 1 21 Maths Lesson.pptx
- My Story Plan
- Remote Learning 18 1 21 docx
- Staying Safe on the Internet.ppt
- Wordsearch Printable
Class 2 week beginning 18.1.2021
Following the technical problems we had on 18.1.2021 all teaching videos are now on Class Dojo.
Passwords for the videos are on Class Dojo
Maths teaching video for the 18.1.2021
Maths teaching video for the 21.1.2021
Maths Teaching video for the 22.1.2021
- 18 01 English.pptx
- 18 01 partitioning numbers
- 19 01 English.pptx
- 19 01 maths add 2 digit and 1 digit
- 20 01 English.pptx
- 20 01 maths 100 square
- 20 01 maths challenge
- 21 01 Topic.pptx
- 22 01 English.pptx
Class 3 week beginning 18.1.2021
Class 4 week beginning 18.1.2021
- daily maths practise
- Hieroglyphics help sheet
- History answers
- History activity
- Homelearning Tasks WB 18th Jan
- Maths activities WB18 01
- Optional sciecne actitivty sheet
- Optional SPAG
- Reading Comprehension for WB 18th
- Solid liquid and Gases PP
- SPAG skills WB 18
- Spellings practise sheet
Class 5 week beginning 18.1.2021
Class 6 week beginning 18.1.2021
Learning for the week beginning 18.1.2021
Phonics videos for week beginning 11.1.2021 Phonics for Monday and Tuesday - Password on Class Dojo Phonics for Wednesday and Thursday - Password on Class Dojo Phonics for Friday - password on Class Dojo
Class R week beginning 11.1.2021
Class 1 week beginning 11.1.2021
Class 2 week beginning 11.1.2021
- 11 01 English.pptx
- 11 01 finding the line of symmetry on shapes
- 11 01 Maths.pptx
- 12 01 diets of different animals
- 12 01 English.pptx
- 12 01 finding the lines of symmetry
- 12 01 line of symmetry monsters
- 12 01 Maths.pptx
- 12 01 Topic.pptx
- 12 01 21 activity using apostrophes for possesion
- 13 01 cube net
- 13 01 cuboid net
- 13 01 cylinder net
- 13 01 English.pptx
- 13 01 Maths.pptx
- 14 01 3D shape challenge
- 14 01 English.pptx
- 14 01 food chain worksheet
- 14 01 Maths.pptx
- 14 01 sorting 3D shapes
- 14 01 Topic.pptx
- 15 01 3D shape challenge
- 15 01 English.pptx
- 15 01 name and properties of 3D shapes
- Extension homework ideas term 3
- overview of learning week 2
Class 3 week beginning 11.1.2021
Class 4 week beginning 11.1.2021
- Activity water challenge
- co ordinating conjunctions
- co ordinating conjunctions activities
- daily maths practise
- Guided reading qs
- history activity
- learning task sheet
- math 2 14.pptx
- maths 2 12.pptx
- Maths activities WB 11 01 21
- Maths answers
- Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit
- river nile
- spag skills
- The Water Cycle PP
- timetable
Class 5 week beginning 11.1.2021
Class 6 week beginning 11.1.2021
- 11th Jan week plan
- Activity Sheet Adaptive Traits
- Challenge 12th
- Colons
- Equations Maths Tuesday
- Monday 12th maths.pptx
- Multi step problems maths Friday
- Sequences Monday maths
- Solving number puzzles maths Thursday
- TT rock stars week b 11th Jan
Learning for week beginning 5.1.2021
Class R - Week beginning 5.1.2021 Please look on Evidence me too.
Class 1 - Week beginning 5.1.2021- also on Class Dojo
- 5 1 21
- 5 1 21 Adding One
- 5 1 21 Living Things
- 8 1 2021
- 8026751e9a80
- class 1 7 1 2021
- consecutive numbers
- continents
- wombat goes walk about 6 1 2021.pptx
- wombat goes walk about 7 1 2021.pptx
- Wombat Goes Walkabout Plot Point 1.pptx
- year 1 resources
Class 2 - Week beginning 5.1.2021- also on Class Dojo
- addition to 20 with a number line activity sheet ver 3
- biscuit decoration problem
- correct the sentence punctuation activity sheets phase 23 ver 7
- describe the monster writing activity sheet ver 1
- Dice Addition Game Template ver 3
- Find the Difference
- Rocket Race Maths Games
- squares challenge
- the lion and the mouse differentiated reading comprehension activity ver 6
- Year 2 Jan Lockdown 2021 Please read this first
Class 3 - Week beginning 5.1.2021 also on Class Dojo
Class 4 - Week beginning 5.1.2021 also on Class Dojo
- 11 and 12 times table
- adding money
- addition and subtracting teaching.pptx
- daily practise 1 5
- Egypt fact file
- Home learning for 5th January 2021
- howard carter
- Money
- What is Egypt like
Class 5 - Week beginning 5.1.2021 also on Class Dojo