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Preshute Primary School


Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Implementation

The school's approach to maths teaching is a mastery.

Maths is taught in all classes, daily, across the school.  

 Progression of skills in Maths is ensured through the use of the NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation, Years 1- 6 use the curriculum maps to inform long term planning.  In EYFS the NCETM Mastering Number overview is used supplemented by White Rose.  

 Teachers plan lessons using the NCETM prioritisation and unit plans with high expectations at their core, and adapt activities to meet the needs of all children in their class. NRICH, I See Reasoning, CGP resources and Wiltshire 27 are used to supplement and extend learning.  

 At Preshute we adopt a clear learning focus across all subjects. We ensure our classroom climate is supportive of this approach to learning and allows children to have the best opportunity to learn.

For more information on how Maths is Implemented across the school please read the school Maths policy.

These documents support the teaching of maths across the school

Maths Calculation Policy 

Click here for an overview of the maths curriculum for years 1-6

Reception overview for Autumn

Reception overview for Spring 

Reception over view for Summer

Mastering Number overview Year 1

Mastering Number overview Year 2

 Websites to help you at home

 Websites to help you at home 



