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Preshute Primary School

Our Governors

What Do School Governors Do?

The role of a Preshute governor

The role of the Governors are:

(a) To set the strategic direction for the school by

1. Setting suitable aims and objectives
2. Approving policies, targets and priorities
3. Monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives and whether policies, targets and priorities are being achieved.

(b) To offer support and constructive advice to the Head and Senior Leadership Team where needed, but also to challenge, ask questions and seek information in the interests of arriving at the best decisions and solutions for the pupils of Preshute Primary School.

(c) To ensure that funds are expended effectively and for the purpose intended.

Governors Scheme of Delegation

Who we are

The Governors comprise parents, staff and people from the local community. As well as the expertise that they bring from life and employment they will undertake a variety of training and development opportunities specifically related to the school. Governors also attend external meetings and conferences.









  • Susan Joslin
    Chair of Governors
  • Claire Hann-Perkins
  • Paul Matthews
    Co-Opted Governor
  • Simon Baldock
    Associate Governor
  • Michael Scheepers
    Co-Opted Governor
  • Mark Colbourne
    Parent Governor
  • Reverend Pete Sainsbury
    Foundation Governor & Wellbeing
  • Mel Bailey
    Clerk to Governors
  • Gillian Macdonald
    Local Authority Governor
  • Jennifer Shillaw
    Parent Governor
  • Helen Chambers
    Foundation Governor


preshute governors 2023 2024.pdf








Training for governors

Training completed by governors is diverse to ensure the governing body has a wide range of experience to bring to its role. This can include participating in a Leadership Development Programme and attending training sessions covering:

  • Safeguarding
  • School Finances
  • Supporting Disadvantaged Learners
  • Running Meetings
  • Preparing for Inspection
  • Data Analysis

Additionally, one of the Governors has been designated as a National Leader of Governance and supports the Governing Bodies of other schools.

Further information

If you need any information about our school governing body or wish to contact a school governor, please contact the school office (admin@preshute.wilts.sch.uk; telephone 01672 512754) or our Chair of Governors , Susan Joslin - susanj@preshute.wilts.sch.uk

 Minutes of Full Governors Meetings

Governors' Annual Report 2023/2024

Governors' Annual Report 2022/2023

Governors' Annual Report 2021/2022

Governors' Annual Report 2020/2021


Governor's Meeting Minutes 22nd January 2024

Governors' Meeting Minutes 27th November 2023

Governors' Meeting Minutes 28th September 2023

Governors' Meeting Minutes 12th July 2023



 Previous minutes are available on request- Clerk@Preshute.wilts.sch.uk