In this section you’ll be able to download all the relevant information about Preshute Primary School.
Hopefully you will find all the information you need whether transferring to our school mid year or at the start of Reception.
To access the relevant document or web-page, please click on the links below:
Our latest performance figures provided by the DFE
How we spend our pupil premium
How we spend our sports premium
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office by:
Telephone: 01672 512754
We are now able to do visits to the school. Please contact the office if you would like a tour. If you are unable to visit us then please watch our videos to find out more.
A day in the life of Class R
My daughter started in reception class at Preshute in September and I have been so so happy with how she has settled and the progress she has made. I went to Preshute myself, and although it’s much bigger compared to then, it still has the same safe community feel to it, very warm and welcoming. The settling in process was really great, and my daughter hasn’t looked back - her confidence is growing daily! She loves coming to school and is very proud of her new friends and what she is learning. I really appreciate the daily communication through Evidence Me, we both enjoy looking at the photos and videos and being able to chat about what she has been doing and learning. Even in these Covid times, it feels like we’re part of a wonderful wider school community with the PPSA, Grand Gestures group and the senior staff team being really present at the start and end of school.
Thank you so much to Mrs Bennett and her teaching team!
Information for New Reception children Parents
How we support children to transition from nursery/pre-school to school
Once you know you have a place at Preshute, we will send out our welcome and transition to school pack. We offer Stay and Play events, parent welcome sessions, and use Class Dojo to send videos in the summer term to help the children get to know their new teacher. The Reception teacher visits or calls each child’s nursery or pre-school setting to receive a handover and get information about the children. They also meet with each Reception parent and child, which helps us to ensure we offer the best start. For any children with additional needs, we discuss the extra support we can provide and regularly review this with the parents.
Preshute is a charming village school with a warm and friendly community. My husband and I have been delighted with the enjoyment and academic progress our two children have shown since starting school.
Mrs Bennett is wonderful with the Year R’s, providing them with a perfect introduction to school life.
We would highly recommend Preshute to any parent.
(Parents of children in Class R and Class 2)