School Meals
Packed Lunches
Children are welcome to bring a packed lunch and drink to have at lunchtime. As we have a small number of children with nut allergies, we operate a Nut Free School policy and ask parents to avoid sending anything containing nuts. Throughout the lunchtime session the children are supervised by our Midday Supervisory Assistants.
Hot Lunches
We are able to offer hot lunches prepared by Sue Brady Catering Ltd who are able to provide high quality and nutritious food.
Meals cost £2.50 per day and consist of a main course and pudding. Food is ordered in advance. Parents are able to order and pay for a child's school meals online using their secure website
Alternatively, forms can be collected from the school office or downloaded and printed from the links above. Two weeks' dinner forms will be available at once – please check the dates on the form and order for the correct week.
You can order for one or two weeks at a time. If you are ordering using a paper form:
- Forms must be completed and, together with your payment, placed in an envelope marked ‘School Meals’ and handed in to the school office by Thursday preceding the week in which the lunches are required.
- Cheques are accepted for payments of £6.90 and over - one cheque per family - made payable to Sue Brady Catering Ltd.
- Please remember to add your child's name and class on each day they require lunch (and NOT on the days when they do not!)
- Remember to tick the option required.
If your child is ill (or otherwise unable to attend school) you must inform Sue Brady Catering Ltd by 9am on the day in order to be credited for the meal.
Please also remember to make a note of which days you have ordered meals and advise your child each day.
For more information:
Telephone: 01672 519200
All Infant children (Reception class, Years 1 & 2) are entitled to a free school meal. Please speak to the school office to obtain the code required to place on-line orders for Infant children.
Some other children may also be eligible for free school meals, notably if your family is in receipt of Family Income Supplement or Supplementary Benefit. A supply of application forms are kept in the school office. Further details can be obtained from:
- The Director of Children & Education,
- (Admin. Services - Central),
- County Hall,
- Trowbridge, BA14 8JB.
Water and Healthy Snacks
We encourage all pupils to drink water regularly during the school day and welcome each child bringing a named water bottle into class each day. Studies show that drinking water helps children's concentration and well being.
Children are encouraged to bring fruit and healthy snacks to eat during the morning break. We participate in the School Fruit & Vegetable Scheme which is part of the 5 A DAY programme to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Under the scheme, all Infant children are given a free piece of fruit or vegetable each school.
Please note: we are not able to offer this on the first day of each term.